Yuri Wig from Angel Beats


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06-22 21:18 ramon schepers
do you have a clip on tail in the same color? (need it for this cosplay i'm wanting: http://www.cosplayfu.com/product/Griselda+Cosplay+from+Lotte+no+Omocha )
06-22 22:32 CosplayFu (support@cosplayfu.com)
Hello ramon schepers,  if you have any request or change the design of the wig, please submit ticket (with product link & request) to our Support Center and let my teammate helps you directly.  n_n

08-16 08:26 Tenshi
I'm just curious but does the wig come with the headband? And will the fringe be styled like that when shipped? Because I want to style it myself before the actual day that I'll be wearing it.
08-16 18:24 CosplayFu (support@cosplayfu.com)
Hello Tenshi, yes we have Yuri's headband. The actual wig is same as the product photo, but it will be packed with the basic style, when you receive it, just use some hair styling clay to fix the style and it will be okay.  n_n

*We pack the wig with basic style (like: no spikes, pony tails will not clip on the wig but put flat together; wavy & curly style is the same) to avoid style destroyed during international shipping process.   d(^_^)
